About Us

About Us


Founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy has been an important stream of medicine practised successfully all over the world.  In the early practice of Homeopathy, medicines were dispensed in glass bottles.  Over the period of time, plastic replaced most of the domestic and industrial products, including Homeopathy.  Due to significant differences in the costs and availability, the use of plastic increased rampantly, forgetting the adverse effects and reactions of plastic on homeopathic medicines.

The quality of plastic has been deteriorating over time due to use of recycled plastic containers even in medicine.  The adverse effect of such lowered quality of plastic on human health is simply unimaginable.  

Homeopathic medicine has alcohol as the medium and it is a well-known fact that plastic reacts with alcohol and leaches out harmful chemicals, contaminating the medicine and affecting the health of the patients.  Even the colour of the caps of these Homeopathic dispensing plastic bottles is reported to be seeping into the medicines, thus contaminating it further.

The use of bad quality plastic and contamination of medicine, so to say, is making the recipient even sicker instead of getting better.

Practitioners in some states of India still believe in the use of traditional glass bottles for dispensing and the idea of making it global holding human health, availability and cost as paramount resulted in the origin of the company.